Monday, March 26, 2012

PINTEREST// faves of the week

So I missed a few Monday's of my new weekly edition of my Pinterest favorites. But I have not forgotten so here are my top five favorites from this past week!

A few weeks ago I found out that I was picked to be an RA at my school next semester! I am so excited and can't wait to get started. One of the perks of being an RA is that I get my own room. So I went to Pinterest for inspiration. I found this room and I really like the color scheme going on in it. I also LOVE burlap and that's what the head boards are covered in. There's other textures too. I think I might try to use this as my decorative inspiration for my room. I need a nice and inviting environment that the girls on my hall feel comfortable in when they come to talk to me and this is a good example.

Oh workouts, how I hate you. Except this one is only 5 minutes long... I'm going to try to do this one everyday this week and see how I feel afterwords. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, back to Pinterest to find a new one.

So it's finally spring! And I need more tops to wear. Me being an October baby, I tend to love fall fashion a bit more than I do spring, but making these easy racerback tops looks so simple and stylish! 

I LOVE THIS BAG. OMG. Need I say more? It's perfect. And I want it. Anyone know where I can get this??

1 / 2  / 3 (no link available) / 4 / 5

One of my friends repinned this picture, and I gotta say this picture is so precious! I love elephants and I would love to be the child hugging this big guy. So perfect. I'm thinking about painting this.

And that concludes my top 5 pins from this week. What were some of yours?
Stay beautiful,

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