Tuesday, April 10, 2012

DIY// Message in a Bottle Necklace

This is SO EASY and SO CHEAP that it's silly I'm making a DIY on this. But, I enjoy making them so here you go! This little necklace is one of those crafts where you can personalize it to the extreme. You don't have to but a message in it like I did. You could but colored water for a "mad scientist" look, or colored sand art, or a little flower bud. It doesn't matter. Just go out there and make one because it's easy and it's cute!

First off, get you a pack of little apothecary bottles at any arts and crafts store. Mine was about 2 bucks at the HobLob on sale. I got two of them in my package but there are a different variety you can get. Strait bottles, curved bottles, etc. Find the one you like the most. 

Decide what you're going to but in it. I obviously chose the message in a bottle look. I took a discolored piece of paper (the more rugged looking, the better) and ripped a small, long strip. In pencil, I wrote my message. Do something simple, funny, or romantic. I wrote, "I will love you, forever." 

Roll it up carefully, and slip inside your bottle. It's okay if you probably won't be able to get it out, you want it to stay in there for your necklace, right?

Attach a jump through a chain and around the hoop thats attached to the stopper of the bottle. Close it tightly.

QUICK TIP: If you are not planning on opening it or taking whatever that's inside out of the bottle, I would recommend gluing the stopper to the inside of the brim of the bottle to ensure that the bottle won't fall off the necklace.

And that's it! So easy, right? Wear it with a flowy dress, your favorite nautical inspired outfit,  a white blouse, or whatever you wanna wear it with!

I hope everyone had a lovely Easter! 

Stay beautiful, 


  1. Oh so cool! There is something magical about those tiny bottles...

  2. GREAT DIY! Found your blog via Kinsey's and am SO GLAD I did!!! I'm your newest follower. xoxo

  3. http://skythingy.blogspot.com/2012/04/make-your-own-innovative-necklace.html

    This is how I made it. Yours is so great! :)
