Wednesday, May 9, 2012

FASHION// studs and spikes

THEY FINALLY CAME IN! I ordered 100, 5/8", gold studs; 100, 1/2", silver studs; and 20, 1/2", silver cone spikes. I'm going to spend most of this week studding out my cut offs, and a jacket maybe. More pictures after the jump!

This is my plan for the first project. I'm simply going to line the top hem on the back of my yellow cut offs right above the pockets. I think that'll be a cute touch with not so much metal that it's overwhelming.

Aren't they cute?? I definitely recommend Very affordable and so many choices. 
Check back soon to see my progress!


  1. Been looking everywhere for some decent studs and spikes! where did you end up getting them from? :) xx

  2. DOING THIS. Oh gosh, I love this. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. Amazing blog !!! I follow you, of course and I love your blog soo much :) If you want, you can visit my blog, too :)
