Monday, January 14, 2013

// I'm back!!

Well now that I've been away for awhile, I've had some time to get my priorities straight. Between school, applying for schools, studying, grades, youtube, and my job, I was SO lost and confused. BUT you know what? It's a new year! And I'm so excited about where my life is going right now, even if I'm not exactly sure where it's going. Pocahontas said it right, "Why do all my dreams extend just around the river bend?"

So to let you all know what my crazy life if going to look like this year, here is my list of goals:
  • Post once a week on Blogger. This will be the toughest one because I've been neglecting it for so long but I'm ready to take on the challenge of it again. Just toned down a little. 
  • Post once/twice a week on Youtube. I have reached 1,000 subscribers! This is a major milestone for me. I have a small fan base and I love them so much. I never dreamed I would even have 100 subscribers. My channel continues to grow everyday and it never ceases to amaze me.
  • PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE. I have made it my goal now to have my own photography career. I have a knack for it and the eye, its just the technicalities I have to figure out. I want to take some classes, and learn how to use my DSLR better. 
  • Figure out what I am going to do school wise. I honestly can't afford to go back to school next year. I'm considering taking a year off to work my butt off and make some money and maaayyybeeee even moving somewhere where I can find more opportunities. 
If you have made it this far, thanks for reading! I always would love to hear from you guys and get some advice on what I should do. I hope you achieve all your goals this year!

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