Wednesday, May 23, 2012

FASHION// new shoes from tobi

I finally found a pair of affordable studded flats! I got these babies for $18 at and they were such a steal. I went back the next day after I ordered and saw that they were sold out! So I deff snatched these up before they were gone. I love them so much!

I was so afraid that they wouldn't fit! But luckily, they do and they are so comfortable!

And the spikes are more of a cone shape, which is okay. Don't want to accidentally stab someone when I go out!

So cute! I plan on wearing these with my skinnies, or a floral dress, maybe. 

Tobi is really cool, and their on sale stuff is really affordable. You should deff check them out!

I have two DIY's coming up soon, and along with the Urban Outfitters Challenge: Part  3. Stay tuned, and...

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