Saturday, May 26, 2012

DIY// ombre tank top

I made this cute tank using my left over tye dye. Its really, really simple, and a cute summer project! Plus the result is perfect for the beach or pool!

-White tank or t-shirt
-Blue, red, and yellow dye
-Spray bottles

I used an old white t-shirt that I had. I cut the hems, sleeves and neckline out and gently stretched it out just a tad. I like the gaping arm-hole look, so the arm-holes are pretty long. Whatever you like. I suggest watching Youtube videos demonstrating how to cut a shirt the right way if you don't know how already.

Make sure your shirt is DRY! Start from the bottom and start spraying the blue. Concentrate on the bottom of the shirt the most, but don't forget to give it that "misty" look as it spreads towards the middle of the shirt.

Continue this with the red, ending with the yellow, overlapping colors to make them blend together.

Let this dry outside until the dye is completely dry. Toss in the washer with cold water, then regular dry.

Love it! I actually wore this to the pool today and it looked really cute with my bathing suit!

Hope everyone is staying cool in the summer heat!

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