Wednesday, May 30, 2012

FASHION// some new things

I ordered some new stuff from ebay awhile ago and they finally came in! I'm really excited about these accessories and using them in future outfit posts for you :) Details about these beauties after the jump!

I ordered a new pair of Lennon glasses because the other ones I bought were two small for my head frame. These were five bucks, free shipping. I absolutely love them! The gold framing instead of the silver make them seem more "legit" to me, and make them not look as cheap as the others. These are my favorite sunnies now.

I also ordered these ankh earring because honestly I saw them all over tumblr and had to have a pair too. They were 99 cents, actually. But I had to pay five bucks for shipping, haha. John thinks they're really cool too, so thats always a plus!

And last but not least, my gold collar! I saw Sam at BeautyCrush wearing one of these in one of her videos and thought I could find one for so much cheaper than she bought hers. So to ebay I went! And I found one that looks IDENTICAL for two dollars. 

I have been working new hours at work to save up some money for school in the fall. So posts will be limited in the coming weeks. Also, I can't spend much money on craft supplies so DIYs will be a tad scarce. I am trying my best, though! I am still trying to sort out making a spike headband or bracelet tutorial for you, so please stay tuned for that coming soon!

I love you guys so much! Thank you for following me!

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