Sunday, May 6, 2012

INSPIRATIONS// just beachy

(all images can be found on my Pinterest)

I am so excited because I am finally getting to go to the beach this next weekend with my best friend, Sabine.  I've only been to Charleston once before that two January's ago, and we had a blast, but it was too cold for the beach. Now, we'll get to lay around in the sun and enjoy the water and sand.
In my excitement, I looked up some beach outfits on Pinterest, and found a few that are inspiring me on how to pack my luggage! I made a small collage for you to peak at, so please enjoy.

On another note, I order 200 studs and spikes Wednesday night, and they are on their way to me now. I'm so excited to get them and start studding and spiking out my stuff! 

Stay tuned and...

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