Monday, May 7, 2012

PINTEREST// random musings

(all images can be found on my Pinterest)

I'll admit, I've been lazy with Pinterest lately. But honestly, I just haven't found anything I really like recently. I'm hoping to get a spark of inspiration soon though, because Pinterest has just been a crafty buzzkill for me. BUT here are just a few things I've found that I've liked, and maybe you'll like them too.

(Above) I love these little doily dreamcatchers! I saw a tutorial on them recently and might have to try it out later (after I finish my summer list of DIY's, of course!).

This super cure dress. Loving the chevron going on, and the green is one of my favorite colors.

Can this be my room please? Or just an attic getaway? It's so chill looking, and not mention cozy and maybe even a little romantic, I dare say? Would love to snuggle up with my boo in this room.

Okay. So I think this is a studio. I'm not sure, but guessing by the amount of art and paintings, it could be some kind of studio. I really like this room a lot. I love the high ceiling, and the windows that extend all the way up to the roof. Great lighting for pictures, too. I would love to have this space to work on my projects in.

HOW CUTE?? I HAD to include this picture. So, so, precious, right?? I love the Lion King, do you?

Still waiting on my studs to come in, but I did receive a package from Forever 21 today! Possibly a post on that tomorrow. Stay tuned and...

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